1. Who are you? Deejay Bosca, book lover, dancer, learning patience. 
  2. Where are you from? Flourtown, PA. 
  3. Do you have a preferred pronoun? she/her
  4. Tell me something about yourself? I have been learning Spanish this past year and learning languages has become a new passion of mine. 
  5. What is your major? Visual Studies and Environmental Science 
  6. What kind of art do you like to make (share an image) ----------> I am starting to learn to love drawing, which I hope to keep fostering, but most of my work has always been sculptural. I have always loved making furniture pieces for my home. This is a plant holder I made with my roommate Daphne in wood shop this past semester. 
  7. What apps/programs on the phone or computer do you use most frequently and what for?
    Photoshop to do basic edits, Chrome for school, premiere and illustrator to mess around. 
  8. Who is one of your favorite visual artists (post a  photo). I have recently become very intrested in the work of Mary Cassatt. 
  9. Who is your favorite musician (share a link) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3JTcbJGCoc
  10. What do you hope to get out of this class?
    I hope to create a strong foundation that can tie together the nuts and bolts I've self-taught myself. I would also really love to solve the obstacles that I've always been stopped at through the programs. I would like to find more confidence in taking photographs. 
  11. Can you sit still for an hour? If I am interested I can stay still for a long time, if not I get very whiny. 
  12. What is your relationship to visual studies? I am an artist and it is my major. 
  13. What is the relationship between computers and visual studies?  I agree that the computer is an incredible form of communication. Technology now transcends barriers of economics and class. I also believe that social media forms can turn into a funnel that can destroy creativity and talent. For this reason, I would like to hone my skills so I can consciously decide what to do with what I have. 
  14. What is your experience with Photoshop, Illustrator and Premiere?  Premiere and illustrator for fun. Photoshop for edits. 
  15. Have you ever created a 3D printed object? no.
  16. Do you have a computer at home? PC and no Creative Cloud. 
  17. Write a five line story.                                                                                                                                     When I was little my older brother and I would have many prank wars because we hated each other. One time I threw his underwear in a tree. He was extremely mad and climbed very high to get them. It was very impressive. We are now best friends. 
  18. Post an image from your winter break 


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